Breastfeeding Circle


Not sure what our  group does, check out this video (copy and paste please)


for weight check group each Tuesday at 10am at

Women’s Health, 901 E 2nd Street, 3rd floor  

Many breastfeeding mothers encounter unexpected joys and apprehensions throughout the breastfeeding journey. Rather than handle these in isolation, come to The Breastfeeding Circle where mothers find a crucial source of support to meet their own breastfeeding goals and quite often release struggles that may occur within the beauty of a breastfeeding relationship. Mothers discuss their experiences and concerns such as milk supply, pumping, going back to work, sleeping or lack of sleep, to name just a few. Someone will inevitably have a suggestion, if not a definitive answer, to your challenge.  Robin believes in informed choice and provides impartial, research-based information.

 A gram-sensitive scale is available for weighing your baby and if interested, doing before and after breastmilk intake weights. This is not a personal consultation time, so if issues are too great for the group, a referral for a private appointment can be arranged.

Any amount of breastfeeding or using breastmilk is seen as positive and normal.  This is not an exclusively breastfeeding-only group, mother’s may prefer or need to bottle feed their pumped milk, shared milk or formula.  

Breastfeeding Circle is highly valued, but  we do NOT charge a fee; it is always complimentary to you

Pregnant women are warmly invited to attend our live or zoom Circles with our mothers. You can get your questions answered and be confident in this resource for after the birth of your baby

Moms are learning to mother and breastfeed.  Therefore, to provide for the new and first-time moms comfort, privacy, and safety, it is not always appropriate for other children to be in this delicate environment. Please call before bringing other children to discuss your situation.

Creating a Healthier Community by Helping Mothers Breastfeed Their Babies:      Since 1988!