Lactation + Medicine


            I believe you have a story and deserve to be heard

I like to challenge the status quo because I can watch that positively impact a new family’s interactions in a holistic and healthy way.  

The way I challenge the status quo is by looking differently at the symptoms parents search for on google or hear their friends and family advise from their experience.  I listen to what the family and baby are telling me, observe what is happening, and explore why the symptoms are present to address the underlying issue. This is a beautiful design, simple to understand, and results in a  “user-friendly” outcome because it finally makes sense to YOU. I process with you so your understanding is complete. 

I wake up every day and do something meaningful. I help families maximize their infant bonding experience and personal growth. I get to empower people to do things that inspire them. There are so many different ways!

If you are the kind of person who needs to know how to or that you are doing your best in this new part of your life, I offer autonomous, highly skilled, and compassionate lactation care at my focused solution practice that is covered by your insurance. 

Call for an appointment today … you will see the difference.  If you are frustrated with breastfeeding while waiting for your appointment, please stay off of google and read through this very extensive website:


Always mindful of the incredible trust and confidence given to me in working with a family’s biggest investment – your baby.